The ezPAARSE blog is written in French, but if you are English-speaking, some of the articles are translated to allow you to collaborate on the project. Here are links to these translated articles and documentation. Feel free to contact us (in English) at ezteam @
You can find all english articles in this blog with the english tag.
2020-02-07_PlatformAnalysis-ezPAARSE-guide EN
Translation Process
- article with link to french article
- translation
- translation with english images
- native langage validation
FAQ: How do I start an analysis in the AnalogIST platform?
FAQ: How do I log in to analogIST with my Trello account?
Tutorial: ezLOGER settings (updated March 2018)
Tutorial: Testing URL analytics in analoGIST with ezLOGGER
ezPAARSE is open source with english technical documentation
General information